PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

A Conversation with an Atheist

A Conversation Between Me and an Atheist
HIM: “Jesus doesn’t exist”.
ME: “What year is it?”
HIM: “2023. Why?”
ME: “2023 is 2 thousand and 23 years (give or take a few years) from what?”
HIM: “Common Era”
ME: “Common era” is a recent way of marking the year. What was the common method before that?”
ME: “Correct. What does AD mean?”
HIM: “After Death”
ME: “That is a common mistake. A.D. means “anno domini” which means, “Year of our Lord”.
ME: “If there is not another fictional character who changed history so much that time is now marked based upon him or her, what would that imply to you?”
HIM: “I don’t know.”
ME: “Well think on this – 1) If Jesus changed how we even mark time. 2) And no fictional character has ever had such a profound impact that how we mark time is changed. 3) Then that argues against Jesus being a fictional character.”
ME: “You claim Jesus never lived. Therefore, he is fictional. And yet time is marked by his birth (BC – Before Christ; AD – Anno Domini – Year of our Lord). If there is not another fictional character who changed history so much that time is now marked based upon him or her, what would that imply to you?”
HIM: “What was the question again?”
ME: “If there is not another fictional character who changed history so much that time is now marked based upon him or her, what would that imply to you?”
HIM: “I can’t think of one.”
ME: I appreciate your honesty. That suggests that Jesus is not a fictional character, but is as real as history, considering all of history is now marked by his coming.

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