PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

The Outside of the Universe

In my High School Bible class I asked them the following question: “According to science, is the universe finite?” The answer is yes, because as light and energy expand from the original “Big Bang”, scientists state the universe is growing. Hmmm.
If the universe is expanding, then…the simple and obvious question becomes “What is on the outside of the universe?” By physical attributes, something exists outside of something. That the universe is not infinite in space, both science and the Bible agree. In the beginning there was a big bang of light (Genesis 1). Then out of this beginning came the universe. Now the purpose of the Bible is not to explain science, but it is fascinating both agree the universe is not infinite. What science cannot answer – but tacitly admits must exist – is what is on the other side. This is where the Bible shines – God is on the outside. And our prayers can penetrate the ever growing distance between us and the end of the universe because our God is infinite.

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