PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Exodus 12:2 – Parents Honor One Another

| September 23, 2015

Parents, when one parent allows the other parent to disrespect and disobey the other, they are not helping their children to honor both the father and the mother. If they dishonor one parent they dishonor the entire command. Dishonoring the command is dishonoring the One who gave the command. Parents, be honorable if you want […]

Exodus 20:12 – Your Mother Is So Fat….

| September 23, 2015

As an example that we don’t always want a literal translation consider that the Hebrew word for honor means, “to regard as heavy.” Literally then, “Regard your mother and father as heavy.” Such a translation is weighted with problems.

Perryism – I looked in the mirror and what did I see? The faults of everyone else, but never me.

| September 23, 2015

Perryism – Since bird is a four letter word is it fowl language?

| September 23, 2015

Psalm 11:4 – Eyes

| September 23, 2015

All of our lives are videos replayed to us through the observations of others. Sometimes we are embarrassed by what we see. Sometimes we are embarrassed by what we are. We can close our eyes to the world; but we can’t close the eyes of the world. Neither can we close our eyes of ourselves […]

Matthew 12:7 – One Thing

| September 23, 2015

If we could understand just one thing perfectly which would explain everything else, that one thing would be God. So when studying any part of the Bible, look for who and what God is. The devil is not the details; the details are about the Divine. That is why Jesus could say, “I desire mercy […]

Exodus 20:11; Deuteronomy 5:15 – The 10 Commandments In Christ

| September 23, 2015

The meaning of the Sabbath rest in the first giving of the 10 Commandments is different than in Moses’ second reiteration. In Exodus 20 it is based upon God resting after creation. In Deuteronomy 5 it is based upon God freeing Israel from slavery. These are not two distinct ideas although they are two distinct […]

Perryism – Some miss church because physically they are not there; others miss church because emotionally they are there.

| September 23, 2015

Proverbs 15:1 – Overreacting to Overreacting

| September 20, 2015

Ever notice how easy it is to overreact to someone overreacting? They shout so we shout them down. They call names so we call names to show them name calling is hurtful. We might even couch our insult with super-righteous: “If I were like you I could call you a (blank); but I’m not like […]

Genesis 3 – A Chiastic Story

| September 13, 2015

One of the most well-known Bible stories is the temptation and fall of man (Genesis 3:1-24). But how familiar are we with the how the story is told? To method there is meaning. Seeing how a text is organized is more than just a time consuming exercise. It helps to explain why something is included, […]