PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

2 Corinthians 1:13 – Can the Bible Be Understood?

| July 6, 2014

Can the Constitution be understood? Apparently not since most every decision by the Supreme Court is divided. The obvious continual divisions on its interpretations, both by the experts and citizens, show it never was intended to have a consensus interpretation by the original authors. Too many cultural differences between the time it was written and […]

John 2 – Water into Wine

| July 6, 2014

Today most beers has less alcohol than most wines. In Bible times, most wines had less alcohol than “strong drink.” Do you know what today corresponds to strong drink as per alcohol? Beer. That is why the HCSB uses the word beer for strong drink. They are the same. Bible wines were watered down and […]

Romans 4 – Theistic Evolution?

| July 6, 2014

Why is it Christians will accept theistic evolution because creationism is supposedly contrary to science; yet accept the virgin birth, and the resurrection of Jesus, each of which is reenacting creation and likewise contrary to science? Don’t forget, Paul compares “calling into existence that which does not exist” to justification by faith (Romans 4), showing […]

1 Corinthians 5-6 – Is Homosexuality Condemned?

| July 6, 2014

The next time a “Christian” (or even a non-believer) defends homosexuality as not Biblically condemned by Jesus and elsewhere, ask them these two questions: 1) Is it Biblically condemned for a man to live with his father’s wife? If they answer yes, knowing 1 Corinthians 5, then ask; 2) Is it Biblically condemned for a […]

1 & 2 Corinthians – Personality of the Congregation

| July 3, 2014

Consider this: If each individual has personality traits, strengths and weaknesses; then congregations, which are made up of individuals, likewise will have personalities traits, strengths and weaknesses. The stronger the personalities of the individuals, the stronger the influences on the whole. Understand, this can be positive or negative. Corinth, as seen in both epistles, was […]

Matthew 13:14-15 – Is Jesus Talking About Us?

| July 1, 2014

Parenting has taught me that the ability to necessarily infer improves as a child matures. They “get it” without having to be “told it.” So you would think that as we mature spiritually, our ability to necessarily infer would grow too. But I wonder if the ability to make excuses, find loopholes also grows, overshadowing […]