PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 & 2 Corinthians – Personality of the Congregation

Consider this: If each individual has personality traits, strengths and weaknesses; then congregations, which are made up of individuals, likewise will have personalities traits, strengths and weaknesses. The stronger the personalities of the individuals, the stronger the influences on the whole. Understand, this can be positive or negative. Corinth, as seen in both epistles, was enamored with powerful preachers. In the first it was Cephas, Apollos and Paul. In the second it was these “super-apostles” versus Paul. So look at your congregation. Consider it’s strengths and weaknesses. What is the personality of your group? Does it need an attitude adjustment? If it does, then it begins with you and your personality.

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