PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

2 Corinthians 1:13 – Can the Bible Be Understood?

Can the Constitution be understood? Apparently not since most every decision by the Supreme Court is divided. The obvious continual divisions on its interpretations, both by the experts and citizens, show it never was intended to have a consensus interpretation by the original authors. Too many cultural differences between the time it was written and now for consistency. All the divisions are prima facie evidence against having a harmonious interpretation. In fact, unity is bad. It breeds a lack of freedom. The Conservatives base their interpretation on “Original Intent.” The Liberals are not bound by such a narrow-minded interpretation, preferring looking at it as a living, breathing document having a different interpretation for each generation. But wait again, if we asked can the Bible be understood, how many would say no? How many would say, apparently not since most every church is divided against others? Doesn’t the continual division on its interpretations give prima facie evidence against it having one, right interpretation? Don’t get made at the Supreme Court for not being able to agree, and disagreeing with you, and then demand no one get mad at you for saying we can’t understand the Bible. As everyone can see with the Constitution, it is not the document that causes the disagreements. It is the people’s approach that determines the outcome. That is why pundits say regarding Supreme Court decisions, “There was a split between the Conservatives and the Liberals.” Now if you believe in Original Intent in interpreting the Constitution, why don’t you believe in Original Intent from the Author of the Bible?

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