PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Mark 9:42-50 – Tempted and Tried

| July 15, 2023

“Salted with fire” (Mark 9:49) is a notoriously hard saying of Jesus. Context can help. Before this difficult text (Mark 9:42-50), there is a scene whose imagery lends the metaphors of fire and water. A demon possessed son is being tossed into the water and fire (Mark 9:22). The father asks Jesus to have compassion […]

How My Baptism Helps After My Baptism

| July 26, 2021

Martin Luther sought to emphasize a daily renewal in baptism by practicing and encouraging his followers to each morning place their hand on their heads and confirming, “I am baptized”. This method is because he had water sprinkled on him as a baby as did his fellow protesters, hence Protestants. This became comforting because he […]

Genesis 3:1-5 – Two Observations

| January 16, 2019

Two interesting (to me) observations from the temptation scene of Genesis 3:1-7:o Although the tetragrammaton is used throughout the Garden of Eden narrative (Genesis 2-3) and even in 3:1 introducing the temptation scene, Satan never uses it when speaking to Eve.o While Satan is tempting Eve, Satan is tempting Eve to tempt Adam. Notice the […]

Matthew 4:8-9 – The Third Temptation

| December 15, 2011

The third temptation here is not worshiping Satan, which is repulsive. The temptation is as subtle as it is blatant – What is Jesus willing to put up with to get what He wants? He did come for a kingdom, right? Applied personally, what are we willing to put up with to get what we […]

James 4:1-4 – Our Defining Moments

| February 4, 2011

Thomas Paine wrote “These are the times that try men’s souls.” He wrote these remembered and revealing words in the pamphlet ‘American Crisis’ (tract 1) during the winter of Valley Forge. He wrote in a way to encourage soldiers and the public to continue to fight in the Revolution despite the many and severe hardships […]