PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Three Reasons Suicide Fails

| June 29, 2021

Here are a few reasons why suicide is never the answer: 1. Suicide cannot undo what we did in the past. • But repentance can undo our guilt. 2. Suicide doesn’t provide a solution for the problem(s) we have. • But understanding that God and others love us does. 3. Suicide creates a false impression […]

A Young Man Dies

| June 21, 2021

A Young Man Dies He died rather young, but as an adult. He was bullied and verbally abused which led to his demise. His family thought he had a mental illness. Others still do. He had friends, but when he needed them, they failed him. In the end he chose to die. This is a […]