PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Yellow Light Authority

ellow Light Authority
You hurry through the yellow light but it turns red right before you go under it. On the other side is the police. Pulled over, they explain the purpose of the yellow light is to slow you down not speed you up. They give you a warning and let you go.
What happens the next time? How do you react when the light turns yellow? Is it ever, “I think I can make it”. Notice I didn’t say, “I know I can make it”.
When close to the light, approaching at full speed, and it suddenly turns yellow, you don’t have a choice but to go – and you should. That is the purpose of the light.
When further away when seeing the light turn to yellow, and have plenty of time to stop, you stop – and you should. Again, that is the purpose of the light.
Those are two obvious and purposeful decisions.
Now let’s get back to the scene of this point. The light turns yellow, you can press the accelerator or the brake. You might, might, make it…if you speed up. Might. You know you have time to stop.
What do you do?
All have probably done both, when it comes to yellow lights.
Now the application. How do we approach God’s word? It is wrong to “build a hedge around the law”; so being too safe is actually dangerous (Matthew 12). It is also wrong to ignore the warning signs (Galatians 6).
A fellow preacher said his approach was, “It is easier to ask for forgiveness, than to get permission”. While he didn’t mean what I am about to say, isn’t that taking advantage of God’s grace?
Beware the yellow lights in following God’s word. You “might” make it isn’t as comforting as knowing you are obeying.
That police officer showed grace. Shouldn’t we be even more grateful to the God who shows grace? Showing grace cost that officer nothing because he didn’t pay the ticket. God showing us grace cost Jesus, who paid our ticket with His blood.

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