PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Woman As A Helper Suitable and the Curses

What is it that Adam could not accomplish either on his own, or via animals, that made the “good” of Genesis 1 “not good” in Genesis 2?
Is the inadequacy psychological or emotional? No comments ladies! Social? Financial? OK, not that last one! All of the above? Maybe; and there is one definite answer that answers another question.
That second question is, why was Eve’s curse connected to childbirth? One hint is Adam’s curse is connected to things in Genesis 2 also.
[ ] Adam was placed in the garden to work it (2:15); and so the ground is cursed that he must work to produce food (3:17-19).
[ ] Adam could eat from the trees (2:16), but now will eat from hard labor (3:17-19).
[ ] Adam came from the ground (2:7); and will return to it (3:19).
Everything in Adam’s curse is connected to Genesis 2. Even the blessing of eating continues.
Could the same be said for Eve; that everything connected to the curse is based upon Genesis 2? Let’s go backwards and see how, just like above, not all the curse is a curse (3:16):
[ ] “he will rule over you.” In Genesis 2 Adam is made first, not Eve (i.e. primogeniture), given the commands about eating, not Eve, and names his wife.
[ ] “Yet you will desire him”. The close of Genesis 2 shows Adam is wowed by his wife, so it is natural she would desire him.
[ ] “In pain you will give birth”. While there is nothing explicitly said about children in Genesis 2, there is in Genesis 1:28. But let’s ask again what we asked before: What is it that Adam could not accomplish either on his own, or via animals? One answer becomes obvious and is connected to the curse and the divine commentary (2:24). Through their one flesh relationship (2:24), they together fulfill what neither could alone. In this way (not suggesting only this way), woman is a helper suitable and corresponding to man.
Looking at the curses this way puts them in context of the whole Garden of Eden Narrative. And in so doing, removes the wrong observation that the curses have nothing to do with the sin. They do, because sin was the opposite of their purposes given by God and for each other. God created Eve to help.

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