PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

When Dealing with Atheists

When dealing with atheists, there are legitimate concerns that need dealing with as there are with theism. However, while some atheists think very little of Jesus, many think highly. Nietzsche said the only Christian who ever lived was nailed to a cross. He was an adamant atheist yet believed Jesus existed and lived a worthy life. So, while I enjoy esoteric discussions with atheists, I am wondering if the best approach is to ask them, “Despite you not believing in God, what do you think of Jesus?” Some will deny His existence, but that is not the consensus historical view even among modern Jews. Before asking C.S. Lewis’s question concerning Jesus being Lord, Liar, or Lunatic, let’s ask what our non-believing friends think of Jesus. If Jesus was only human, he still lived an exemplary life. His dedication was so intense He willingly died for what He believed. If Jesus was so good, and so dedicated, His life alone gives reasons to consider believing as a valid option. Oh, there is more, but that is a good beginning.

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