PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

What’s the Point of Miracles?

“Points of Orientation” are positions from which other positions develop. For example, if you believe miracles are impossible, then automatically all “prophecies” occurred after the fact.
I heard a preacher state concerning a miracle of Jesus, “He first miraculously solved a social ill, and then taught the gospel.” The implication was, “the church needs to solve social ills as Jesus did, and then preach the gospel.” Is that why Jesus performed miracles? Did Jesus heal to cure social maladies?
There is no denying Jesus felt compassion which is why He healed (Mt.14:13-14). Compassion was the cause, the starting point emotionally, but not the theological end. These are reasons Jesus demonstrated the divine powers:
1. Healing established his authority (i.e. confirmed the word) (John 3:2; Hebrews 2:3-4).
2. Miracles were a physical manifestation of spiritual salvation by faith (same word used for both – sozo) (Matthew 9:22).
3. Signs foreshadowed new creation, the physical reversal of the curses of Genesis 3 (John 2,11).
4. Casting our demons demonstrated His kingly power over the devil’s realm (Mark 1:7-13).
If Jesus came to solve social ills, then why didn’t he go around giving money to the poor, building schools, and hospitals? Now don’t get me wrong, sharing as individuals is an outgrowth of loving God and our neighbors; and we can’t practice pure religion without helping the outcasts of society. However, that doesn’t appear to be the purpose of miracles.
Consider this:
1. Jesus established his authority, and once established it does not need confirmation again. That purpose for miracles has ceased.
2. Jesus demonstrated his power to heal and forgive already. That purpose for miracles has ceased.
3. Jesus brought in new creation and we are part. That purpose for miracles has ceased.
4. Jesus defeated Satan and is sitting on the throne. That purpose for miracles has ceased.
However, social ills such as poverty, sicknesses, and such are still with us – “the poor you will always have with you” (Mt.26:11). If Jesus performed miracles to solve society’s problems, then don’t we still need the ability to perform miracles today? And yet, we can’t. So…maybe Jesus didn’t “first miraculously solved a social ill”. Maybe miracles were pointing to something higher, a different point of orientation, that Jesus is Lord, Savior, Creator, and King.

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