PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

What Does Same-Sex Marriage and Woman Pastors Have in Common?

Historical Commonality: In denominations, there is a decline in attendance, and an offcial separation of congregations from their denominations, because of two doctrinal changes: 1) acceptance of same-sex marriages; 2) dissolution of gender roles and therefore affirming ordination of women (From Women in the Church, Kostenberger, Schreiner).
What this book hasn’t stated (I’m still reading it so it might), is what acceptance of same-sex marriage and ordination of women have in common (yes, I understand there is no ordination of men per se but you understand the point). That is the connection of these two doctrinal changes to each other.
Philosophical Commonality: there is an inherent similararilty in the dissolution of distinct roles of men and women in church and marriage – If a man can be a “wife” then a woman can be a pastor.
For those who don’t see the connection it is the removal of gender specific roles. When a marriage is no longer between a man and a woman, the gender requirement has been erased. When a woman can be a pastor (despite the qualifications), the gender requirement has been erased. Denominations are dividing over these two issues because they are connected which is why those that accept one are more likely to accept the consistency of both. It is happening historically.

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