PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Twisting Scripture to Make Points

Politicians on both sides like to twist the scriptures to support their position. Here is an example: the birth of Jesus is about an unwed teenage mother (Mary) and the homeless (“no room at the inn”). The birth situation is to show us the methodology and message of this unearthly king; but we must be careful not to twist it support politics. After all, Mary was not “unwed” who committed fornication; she was betrothed which had to be ended with a divorce. Joseph and Mary were not homeless; there just wasn’t enough room for them in the house’s guest room (i.e. inn). Yes, we should help the afflicted and oppressed and “tax-collecters and sinners”; and not enough do or do enough. But none of us should twist the scriptures to support our wants and wishes either.

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