PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

TODAY’S PRAYER – Genesis 42

TODAY’S PRAYER – The story of Joseph is a foreshadowing of Jesus. The story is not just about Joseph; it also includes his brothers and father. Genesis 42 records two reactions to seemingly bad situations (read the chapter). The brothers lament, “What is this God has done to us?” (v.28). The father complains, “Everything happens to me!” (v.36). “To us” and “to me”; guilt (the brothers), personal loss (the father), and a myriad of other “life happens” situations can cause us to lose proper focus, by focusing on what’s not spiritually or emotionally healthy or right. “Oh innocent God, help us not to blame you. Help us to not overlook your blessings and see only bad. Help us in all things for we are helpless. Through Jesus whom Joseph foreshadowed, Amen.”

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