PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

The Holy Spirit – Removing Preconceptions

To make studying the Holy Spirit easier, I decided that we needed to remove preconceptions.  Here they are:

1.       PRECONCEPTION #1 – THAT THE PRIMARY FUNCTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IS MIRACLES.  Do not think of miracles as the primary function of the Holy Spirit.  The primary function of the Holy Spirit seen in both testaments is life (He is the Holy “Breath.”)  I think too often we think first and foremost of the miraculous aspects which hinders and clouds our understanding.  Instead we should primarily think of “life” when thinking of the Holy Spirit.  Why do we have this misconception?  Because it is easier to focus on the fleshly miracles than the spiritual activities which are unseen.

2.       PRECONCEPTION #2 – THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT IS DIFFERENT AND MYSTERIOUS.  Do not think of the Holy Spirit any differently than we think of the Father or the Son.  He is not some “mystical” Being who is mysterious and therefore harder to understand than the Father or the Son.   Why do we have this preconception?  Possibly because of the miracles ascribed to the Holy Spirit which are “different and mysterious.”  Also possibly because of the description in the KJV as the Holy GHOST.  Plus we can associate with Jesus’ flesh easier than even our own spirit, let alone the Holy Spirit.  And yet this is ironic considering that if there is anything difficult to understand, it would be the Incarnation – God becoming flesh.  After all, because we think the Holy Spirit is so mysterious, we have classes on Him.  How many class just on the Father have we had due to misconceptions?

3.       PRECONCEPTION #3 – THAT THERE IS A SPECIFIC AND TECHNICAL LANGUAGE ASSOCIATED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT.  Do not think of the language describing the functions of the Holy Spirit as technical language (TERMINUS TECHNICUS) that describes only one thing.  Instead, “baptism,” “filled,” “gift,” etc. are to be defined by their immediate context, not some technical lexicon which has “baptism” refer to only one thing, “indwell” only one meaning, etc..  Also, the language describing these functions should not be taken literally, but rather understood as describing the effect.  Why do we have this perception of a technical language?  Possibly because of the mysterious and different perception of the Holy Spirit.  Also, because Christianity has somewhat turned the common every day language of New Testament into an ecclesiastical language.

4.       PRECONCEPTION #4 – THAT BEFORE ACCEPTING TRUTH WE HAVE TO UNDERSTAND IT.  I personally do not believe that understanding the role, work and our relationship to the Holy Spirit is difficult.  Having said that, there is nothing wrong in saying “I don’t know.”  After all, we are speaking of deity.  But we should not think that before we accept a truth that we have to fully understand it.  I do not understand how God created something out of nothing, or how physical blood cleanses spiritual sin.  But I accept them as true.  So do not reject a truth because you cannot understand it.  That is part of faith.

5.       PRECONCEPTION #5 – THAT THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS COMPLETELY DONE IN THE FIRST CENTURY.  If we believe that the Holy Spirit is not active in the lives of people today, simply because we are Cessationists, then we are limiting the roles of the Holy Spirit in other areas such as the various gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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