PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Social Media and the Christian

Did the class on social media and the Christian. We began with both positives and negatives (including using social media for evangelism). Then we concluded with these three guidelines:
1. Prioritize people over devices – Phil.2 (If there is any consolation, fellowship, love, etc., be of the same mind).
2. Pause before posting – James 1 (slow to anger, slow to speak)
3. Pretend you don’t know you and ask what would people see is important to you by reading your posts. Would they see your relationship with Jesus? – Matthew 5 (let your light shine)
Then we added these:
1. Never have a phone that is locked and your partner can’t see it.
2. If your children are not willing to let you see their phone or tablet immediately after asking, take it away.
One thing we didn’t want to do was turn this into young versus old. Basically every warning about social media could be made concerning pastimes in older generations: TV, Rock, Jazz, Movies, etc.

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