PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Revelation 10:8-9 – Sermons Are Like Meals

Since the Word of God is Compared to Foods (i.e., Revelation 10:9-10): A Sermon is Like A Meal:
1. You don’t remember every “meal”, but every “meal” nourished you.
2. Tact and gracious words are like ketchup, it makes everything taste better (but too much is yucky!).
3. When too much is “served”, there is no reason to walk away hungry complaining about too much “food”.
4. Not every “dish” is for everyone, some “food” is for younger ones, while other food is for older ones. Why complain something is not for you?
5. Some “meals” take a long time to prepare, so appreciate the work even if it didn’t turn out as good as hoped.
6. Some “meals” are quick and easy, and yet can still be what’s then needed (but too much of that becomes unpalatable).
7. “Comfort foods” are enjoyable, but if that is all we get, we get fat and lazy; likewise, “Dessert only” leads to deserting a healthy diet. Balance is needed.
8. Not everyone “eats” at the same pace, so be patient and wait.
9. If we only “eat” what tastes good, we won’t get everything we need to be healthy. Don’t let your tongue control your body.
10. In this case, leftovers and repeat “meals” are unavoidable!

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