PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.


Historically its a religious “movement”, but it is more. Throughout God’s involvement with fallen humans, God is in the process of restoring, or reconnecting, which is seen in the word re-ligion – re/again and ligament/connect. There are two ways restoration falls short: 1. Restoring Practices without Restoring People; and 2) Restoring People without Restoring Practices. When reconciliation comes through Jesus (2 Cor.5:19), then both practices and people are seen as both are connected to the blood of Jesus.
Time and time again, God has His people restoring both themselves and acts because it is through the blood that Practices that People are reconnected with their God. This is seen in Joshua 5 with the Passover and circumcision; with Hezekiah again with the Passover in 2 Chronicles 30; and our Passover which is called the Lord’s supper in 1 Corinthians 11. It is through God’s practices people are restored because it is through God’s practices we find Jesus. That means the practices themselves are nothing without Jesus being the meaning, and without people wanting to reestablish a relationship with Jesus.
So while there is a religious movement historically called The Restoration Movement, since Jesus began reigning, God has been restoring people through restoring all things (Acts 3:21). Restoration without God’s practices is man trying to restore himself to God. Restoration through practices without people giving themselves is nothing more than Phariseeism. Have you been restored? Are you practicing God’s practices?

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