PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Perryism – Men wrote theologies; the Holy Spirit wrote the Bible which might explain why theologians say you can’t understand the Bible but the Holy Spirit said you can.

Isn’t it ironic when people say you can’t understand the Bible: 1) They believe you can understand them when they say you can’t understand; 2) The only way to know others don’t understand is to claim you do understand. Assumed by God with every command is that He can be understood and that we can understand. Without those two assumptions there is no accountability. I think it would be arrogant to claim you understand it all simply because of the richness and depth, which would take more than a life-time. But I imagine such a claim that you can’t simply tries to explain that more than we want of it can be and the deeper truths don’t contradict the surface truths. Much like I can understand 1+1=2; and the rest of math (which I don’t understand but was held accountable for anyway) is based upon that simple, surface truth. The difficulty in understanding the Bible is not the word of God but the wants of man.

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