PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 3 – Parental Strategies – Natural Consequences

Parenting Strategy: Natural Consequences
Parenting methods include disciplining children. One positive strategy is called “natural consequences”. This is when the punishment fits the “crime”, so to speak. Let’s define natural consequences in two different ways:
1. Natural consequences are things that happen automatically as a result of a child’s action or inaction without any purposeful behavior on the adult’s part. That means parents allow the child to suffer the effects of their decisions without mitigating them. If too much time was spent on the computer leading to the child not getting enough sleep, then that child does not get to sleep in or take a nap later in the day.
2. Natural consequences are things that happen in connection with a child’s action or inaction with purposeful intention by the parent. For example, if time on the computer is abused, then reducing time on the computer is used as a direct result. Gaining more time back has to be earned.
Can we see how expanding discipline methods beyond time-out and spanking can be instructive? After all, to discipline literally means to teach. Consequence literally means “with” (prefix con) plus “sequence” (base of orderly. Natural consequences are orderly, instructive, methods.
The curses on Adam and Eve are related to their creation and purpose. On Adam notice:
1. He was created from dust (2:7) and would he would return to dust (3:19).
2. He had the breath of life breathed into his “nostrils” (Gen.2:7). Nostrils is literally, “face”. Upon his fall he would eat bread by the sweat of his “brow” (Gen.3:19). Brow is literally, “face”.
3. He was created to “work” (2:15) and watch over (protect) garden. He would then “work” the cursed ground upon exiting Eden (3:23).
All the above shows that Adam had a responsibility towards the forbidden tree beyond not eating from it. It was in the garden that he was to work in and protect. The garden was his responsibility.
What practical lessons do we learn?
1. “Natural consequence” – This is a practical and educational method of discipline. Making the punishment connected to the disobedience is “natural consequences”.
2. Responsibility and accountability – Failure to finish a job correctly should not alleviate the assignment to continue it. Too often parents get so frustrated they say, “Just let me do it!” Learning comes from doing.
3. Name the wrong – God specifically tells Adam what he did wrong. Children need to know exactly the reason for our discipline or else they can’t make the connection.
God is often pictured as a Father. Maybe as fathers and mothers, we should pay more attention to His parenting methods.

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