PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Jesus’s cleansing of the temple, throwing out the money-changers, calling it a house of prayer, is more expansive than I ever imagined. It is a connecting link between who Jesus is and what we are to be.
1. In the beginning, all of the earth was created to be God’s temple. Sin entered God’s temple followed by God’s cleansing the temple by the flood.
2. Jesus’s cleansing the temple after his triumphant entry shows more than a conquering king sitting on a donkey. It symbolizes his priesthood, as priests cleansed the temple of Yahweh.
3. Inspiration continues teaching our bodies become the temple of God, cleansed by our high priest and another flood of water in baptism.
What’s so amazing about all this is the realization of the Bible’s one story is one story connected in so many ways; and the danger of changing God’s commands, even that of immersion to sprinkling, damages the story by disconnecting it from the rest.

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