PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Is Gender Identity Fluid?

Is Gender Identity Fluid?
There is a new biblical argument being proffered suggesting there are not just two binary genders, but that gender identity is fluid. This is offered to counter the opposing argument that God said, “Let us make them male and female”. This new biblical argument likewise uses the Genesis creation account as authoritative.
Let me pause and preface this by saying this new biblical argument tries to use the Bible; but using the Bible does not make an argument authentically biblical.
Here’s the argument – God created day and night. However, each part flows into the other so it is very natural for there to be times where it is not either soley day or night, but a mixture of each. The same therefore can be true of male and female, which means it is natural to be variations of male and female.
Here’s the problem – God created male and female, and within each there already naturally exists parts of each, and yet God still called them male and female and not variations of each.

For example, testosterone is what makes a male, and estrogen makes a female. These defining chemicals design the body. And yet, males have estrogen also, and females have testosterone. The division between make and female still exists as binary even with a combination of both gender defining chemicals with each gender.
A male can have more estrogen than other males, and be less hairy. But the amount of estrogen and lack of hair does not make his gender fluid. He is still male.
A female who goes through menopause has a decrease of estrogen and increase of testosterone. This is why some older women grow – and pluck! – chin hairs. Are menopausal women turning into males!? Absolutely not!
In the beginning I called this a “biblical argument”. As our culture turns more secular, and away from scripture, people will twist scripture to either salve their own conscience, or the conscience of another. Our conscience does not need to be soothed. It needs to be pricked when wrong. And it is biblically wrong that there are more than two genders.
Addendum #1 – This is where some offer the example of a hermaphrodite, someone with both male and female genitals. This condition does exist, but is a birth anomaly, not gender fluidity. For example, how many fingers does a human have? 10! Are some born with fewer fingers? Yes. Are some born with more? Yes again. Is the number of humans fingers fluid? No. The rule is 10. There are, however, birth anomalies of fingers, arms, even heads with Siamese twins! The rule is there are two genders.
Addendum #2 ‐ People who are confused do not need mocking. They need love and clarity. Society’s cultural norms when running counter to God’s holy word affects us all more than we know. We too need to be ruled by God’s instructions.

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