PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

How To Choose Elders Calvinistically

First, the two tenets of Calvinism I want to focus on are both connected to free will. Calvinism teaches:
1. PRESERVATION OF THE SAINTS (i.e., Once Saved Always Saved) – You can’t fall away and if you do, then you were not really saved after all.
2. UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION – You can’t reject salvation if you are part of the elect.
How do we select men as elders Calvinistically?
The only men qualified are those whose children remain faithful until death:
1. Because if the children ever fell away it proves the children were never really saved. Yes, I’ve heard that.
2. Because if the children ever fell away it proves the fathers were never qualified in how they raised them. Yes, I’ve heard that.
The only men qualified are those whose children all have become Christians.
1. Because if they are raised right they will convert;
2. Because if they don’t become believers that proves they were not raised right.
Free Will exists only for the children of other families.
As we can see, Calvinism is only a false doctrine when not applied to elders or potential elders and their families. But for elders, using false doctrine is the “safe” way to choose qualified men.

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