PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

God Is Evil – Discussions with Atheists

I have had discussions with atheists lately who disagreed with a claim I made concerning many atheists. That is, “Atheists have an innate need to believe that God is good.” I called this scenario, “The Irrational, The Unbearable, The Only Real Choice that Satisfies.”

I’ve been mocked saying, “Atheists don’t believe in God” followed by things I shall not repeat. I offered hospitality in my home, if they find themselves in my area. No response to that kindness, just continued disdain. If you don’t believe in a good God, it is easier to act like goodness only exists to those who agree with you. But that isn’t the story of the cross!

Despite my efforts, the point was not received. I blame myself partly for being a bad communicator. But there is always a responsibility to hear even if we have a bias, prejudice, or disagree. Without hearing, we can’t understand. A basic part of communication is, seek to be understood first, before seeking to change thinking.

So here is my effort to work on this with you and for any discussions you have in the future with such folks. Consider asking these questions:

  1. Do you know of any atheists who became atheists because they believed God was good and loved them? Never met one yet.
  2. Do you know of any atheists who became atheists because they believed God was evil and hated them? This gets closer to the disillusionment they experience and dissonance of disbelief because you can’t hate what isn’t real.
  3. Do you know of any atheists who became atheists because of evil and suffering in the world? Met many. Unfortunately, that evil came often from believers not practicing the goodness of God.

The point is this:

  1. Many become atheists because they can’t reconcile a good God allowing evil. I too struggle with that, and any right-thinking believer does. “The Problem of Evil” is the only worthwhile argument for non-belief.
  2. But it is not the case that they become atheists because they can’t reconcile an evil god allowing evil or good in the world.
  3. They never began by believing in an evil god that allows some good to exist.
  4. But many become atheists because they can’t believe in a good God that allows some evil to exist.

That is why they have, but don’t recognize, an inherent need to believe that if there is a God, God is good. In that sense, they are more aware of the goodness of God than pagans who worshipped many evil, but false, gods.

If they were any type of believer in the God of the Bible, they don’t go from believing in a good God to an evil god; only from a good God to no god.

But if their worldview is correct – that there is no God – and based upon scientific proofs that life does not come from non-life plus how “intelligent design” has proved DNA cannot exist through evolutionary means; it makes more sense to believe in an evil god that created all this suffering, than to believe in no God at all. Something cannot come from nothing, therefore if there isn’t a good God, there must be an evil god who is our creator and likes to put harm in our way.

An evil god is the one thought they cannot seriously entertain, or else they would want to find a way to appease that evil god just like peasants try to please a tyrant, or pagans worshipped their warped and flawed gods.

Therefore that great creating life that must exist, must be either good or evil. But atheists can’t bear that thought, and neither can I so here are the three choices: 1) Believe the Irrational – Atheism. 2) Believe the Unthinkable and Unbearable – God is evil. 3) Believe without Understanding Everything – God is good and Jesus died for me to irradiated evil in my life. That’s the only answer that satisfies. That’s the choice I choose.

Pray for them, they don’t see that God hates evil so much he suffered itself to save those who won’t even claim He exists. That is the story of the cross.

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