PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Evangelism Comes Easily If

Evangelism comes easily if….
When I was a teenager, evangelism was easy. Often (and maybe often wrongly), I had no problem arguing with my friends – and we stayed friends. So pointed was I, a Catholic girl said, “If you were Pope, you would change the entire Catholic church!”. I retorted, “I would! And then I would resign!” I will also confess I had a crush on this girl so religion was something I could use to talk to her!
Now, why did I find evangelism easy?
1. I believed what I believed was true.
2. I believed people needed the truth.
Those two simple thoughts and affirmations are still powerful and needed to instill in our youth today – and us adults! This is how Paul said the same thing: “I believed therefore I spoke” (2 Corinthians 4:13). That’s evangelism the easy way.

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