PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Ephesians 6:11-12 – Angels and Demons All Around

Humans live a non-divine form of “incarnation.” Jesus came to this existence to live as we do, dual beings, flesh and spirit – “God with us.” Just the name Immanuel, “God with us” suggests a partnership in duality. Our spirits are embodied in flesh (the meaning of incarnate); both claiming ownership as “I” as God intended.

Living encased in flesh, we exist in two opposite worlds, the physical and the spiritual simultaneously. Both those worlds though, exist outside of our dual existence, separated from one another.

The animals’ world is nothing but flesh. The angelic is solely spiritual. As humans we accept that the existence of the fleshly world. As Christians we accept the existence of the spiritual (2 Kgs.6:17). Jesus as “God with us” walked the earth incarnated; and today Jesus as “God with us” walks with us spiritually (Mt.28:20) as we are both spirits and bodies.

It is easy to accept the fleshly world and all its activity because we experience it physically through five senses. Walking by faith (2 Cor.5:7), we must also believe that the spiritual world is just as active, just as “busy.” We sense it through prayer and temptation, through the reality of sin and the hope for eternity. Both demons and angels are all around, we just can’t see them (2 Cor.11:4; Eph.6:11-12). But we must believe that they are both outside of and part of our world. Just as we live in two different worlds simultaneously, they live in two worlds separately. Both angels and demons come into our world on missions – we are their mission (Heb.1:14). Will we live under the reign of God, or the rule of the Satan? Those are two worlds that cannot exist in one body and soul simultaneously (Col.1:13).

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