PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Claiming My Character in the Name of Jesus

Wednesday’s Wisdom – Claiming My Character in the Name of Jesus
Are you “blameless”, “holy”, “faithful” and other such words describing high-standing character? Or do we hesitate to claim such out of humility, which then ironically means humility keeps us from seeing truth? Or, do we not claim such feigning faux humility which isn’t really humble or truth?! Whether considering ourselves or others, do we leave such descriptions for Jesus only?
What we don’t understand is such biblical terms are used to describe us, as similar language is used to describe OT sacrifices being “without blemish” such as not blind. But come on, we all could find fault with every animal if we only looked hard enough, right?
Reminds me of the word nit-picky and a new word I recently learned, “fly-speckers”.
Two long-time Pentagon stand-bys are fly-speckers and nit-pickers. The first of these nouns refers to people whose sole occupation seems to be studying papers in the hope of finding flaws in the writing, rather than making any effort to improve the thought or meaning; nit-pickers are those who quarrel with trivialities of expression and meaning, but who usually end up without making concrete or justified suggestions for improvement. [Collier’s, Nov. 24, 1951]
When we go around finding fault, even when warranted, do we give grace to others?
Only Jesus lived sinlessly perfect, but elders are to be blameless (or, “above reproach”) as were Elizabeth and Zechariah (Luke 1:6). The latter are also called “righteous” (v.6). All Christians are to have such high character or be working on it (1 Corinthians 1:4-9). Knowing my own sin, I hesitate to use such “holy” words for myself. But…and this is the key…forgiveness makes me perfect. Therefore, God’s mercy makes me what I am not; therefore, making me what I am thanks to grace – blameless, above reproach, faithful, and righteous. Don’t blemish the perfect sacrifice of Jesus. Claim those terms in the name of Jesus.

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