PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Bro Country and Modern Christianity

If you are a fan of real Country music, you probably – definitely – don’t even listen to Country music on the radio much at all these days. “But Country music is more popular than ever!” goes the defense. Nope. Country music is hardly played anymore on the radio. The modern brand left its roots to find a new audience and Pop (!) went the records and record sales..
What does this have to do with “Modern Christianity“? Gone are the morals of marriage for a lifetime. Gone is the definition of marriage between a male and female. Gone is the definition of male and female. Gone is the holiness of God. Gone is God as judge. Gone is God as even good – How can there be good if there are no absolutes? Gone is real love which takes upon itself pain and suffering. Today’s Jesus is “too cool for rules”, “tolerant”, and whatever anyone wants him to be. He’s more popular than ever among certain groups. Why? They changed “Jesus” to a symbol and lost a King!
The key to the demise of both is in order to become popular they each got morphed to meet the itching ears of the crowds. The real Jesus challenged the people to change, both the religious and outliers alike showing all are equal and in need of God – “Repent for the reign of God is coming!” There is nothing modern about those righteous roots.

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