PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

The Bible and Social Justice

A new study suggests that reading the Bible more often leads to a more active view on “social justice.” I agree, Christians should be concerned about poverty, equality and justice. However the difference between liberals and conservatives politically is not a regard or disregard for social justice, contrary to how it is pushed in the media. It is whether questions such as poverty and equality are best solved by government taxation and regulation or individuals gifts and inclusion. If by government, then people are forced against their will by having their money taxed and taken and given to causes not of their choosing. Goverment decides who is impoverished and excluded. If by individuals, then people are impelled by their love of others and God to then voluntarily give their resources and time to causes of their choosing. You tell me, which is better? The bible is about individuals responding to God, not setting up a government for social justice. If the liberals are for using the Bible to take from the rich and give to the poor, and deciding who is rich and who is poor, then please tell me how they are for separation of church and state? Aren’t they trying to set up their own theocracy?

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