PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Leviticus 13 – You Are Contagious

Boring, but beneficial? When reading Leviticus 13, I can’t image this chapter about skin diseases being fascinating to anyone except from the Center for Disease Control (CDC). But what I’m wondering is, why were the Israelites warned and cautioned so much about what something that could end up being no more than a scab (13:6)?
Here’s my take – contagious infections. That we understand.
Did you know everyone in a church is contagious? Seriously! Consider as a baseline the man living with his father’s wife being compared to leaven (1 Corinthians 5). But this can go both ways: Love is contagious just as is indifference. Faithfulness affects others as does absenteeism. Evngelism spreads as does gossip. Just think how we automatically react when someone smiles at us! Now imagine no one talking to you at all….
So, how are you affecting the congregation? You are, you know.

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