PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

The Secret to Success

Not only are spiritual lessons learned from the Bible, practical lessons are taught as well. Probably none more easily learned than the following:
1. Be Available
2. Be Assertive
3. Be Approachable
4. Be Approving
There are even more that don’t begin with “A”! Who is our successful example? Absalom when he stole the hearts of Israel (2 Samuel 15). Going behind the back of his father, dissing his father, and pretending humility, Absalom successfully stole not just the heart of the people, but the crown also. Temporarily. Causing division. Leading to his own demise.
I never said Absalom was a good example, and not all man’s success leads to God’s success. Especially when you are doing it secretively.

About The Author


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