PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Don’t Be Strong and Courageous

Contrary to what the Bible says, I am asking us all to not “be strong and courageous”. We sing “be strong and courageous”: and we see Joshua commanding and encouraging “be strong and courageous”. So why am I asking us all to not “be and do”?
It is because Absalom told his friends, in his seeking vengeance against his brother Amnon and asking their help, that when killing Amnon they must “be strong and courageous” (2 Samuel 13:28).
Shockingly, being “strong and courageous” can be used for sin. Not shockingly, Satan tempts us by cloaking the character of courage – which is needed to obey God – to hide the motive of sin. To “encourage” is to “give courage.” People around us, those we count as friends, even family, will urge us to sin, even share with us so as to strengthen us by weakening us. Don’t be strong and courageous.

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