PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

2 Kings – Who Am I?

  1. I left my Father to do the work of God
  2. I am a prophet
  3. I followed a great prophet
  4. Other of God’s prophets followed me.
  5. Although I am a prophet I never wrote down my words, but others did.
  6. I am a prolific miracle worker
  7. I spent time in Samaria.
  8. I poured water as a servant.
  9. Water and blood are associated in my work

10. Because of my work, the first born son is sacrificed.

11. I received gifts from others.

12. I performed a miracle for a widow involving life.

13. I resurrected the dead.

14. I performed a miracle involving water.

15. I miraculously made a little bread feed many with some left over.

16. I healed leprosy.

17. I am associated with the Jordan River using it for God’s work.

18. I told others to “go in peace.”

19. One of my servants tried to deceive me involving money.

20. I defied the ability to sink in water.

21. I knew of spiritual armies not of this world.

22. I made the blind to see.

23. I miraculously knew of a plot against my life.

24. Through my grave, resurrection came.

The answer is Elisha and Jesus.

Is it possible that Elisha is even greater as a prophet than Elijah? More miracles are associated with Elisha than Elijah, plus he asked for and received a “double portion” of Elijah’s spirit (2 Kings 2:9-14).

If Elijah is a type of John the Baptist, then it makes sense that Elisha would be a type of Christ.

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