PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

2 Chronicles 32:2-10 – Neglecting God leads to Neglecting Others

When the unfaithful kings of Judah chose false gods over the worship of Yahweh, they made another choice to. They chose to neglect the priests and Levites who through God’s choice were to live off the sacrifices and worship to Yahweh. What would these neglected men then do? No doubt some turned to paganism out of a false sense of need. Other probably turned to secular work to provide for their own. The point is that neglecting truth is never an isolated decision. Nothing is only about me. It either presents stumbling blocks to others or forces God’s servants to neglect their calling (2 Chron.28:24; 31:2-10). Both Isaiah an Micah call out other negligence. The poor suffer too. Why? Because true religion always is about serving the needs of others. So false worship is not just about false worship. It is about neglecting those God calls us to protect and serve.

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