PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Numbers Can Tell A Story

While numbers aren’t everything, they can tell a story.

  • 90 feet long vs 150 feet.
  • 30 feet wide vs 75 feet.
  • 45 feet high vs 45 feet.
  • 7 years vs 13 years.

The first numbers describe the temple built by Solomon (1 Kings 6:1-3,37). The second describe his own house (1 Kings 7:1-2). Now no one saying our houses can’t be nicer than our church buildings because they do have different purposes and needs: bedrooms for sleeping vs pews for sleeping! But our attitude can sometime show more than we won’t to admit when it comes time to make certain decisions. Ever know of someone who got something new, and donated their old one to the church? Ever hear someone say, “We have to be careful with the Lord’s money”, and yet forgetting everything we own is the Lord’s and calls for good stewardship.

What’s the point? Am I for elaborate buildings? Must we live in shacks? No; but we do need to watch our attitudes by remembering God calls us not to build buildings or save money in big accounts; God calls us to save souls (1 Timothy 4:16). Those are the numbers that mean the most.

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