PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Kings 13:30 – Name Dread

Certain names bring personal dread.  Familiarity reacts by forewarning; preparing us for what’s ahead.  By dread, don’t think fear or terror; and maybe dread is not the most accurate word.  So let me elucidate.  When I hear or read certain names, there is no excitement, there is despair.  The name itself does not bring hope, there is only disappointment.  We all know the reaction is not to the name itself, but the person.  Today, I reacted to a name, to a certain person.  Most of you probably know him.  His name is Ahab, king of Israel.

Ahab, did evil in the sight of the LORD more than all who were before him (1 Kings 16:30).  As a husband, he was weak, because Jezebel his wife incited him.  (1 Kings 21:25).  As a man he was weak, sulking when he couldn’t get what he wanted (1 Kings 21:4-6).  Ahab was evil because he was weak.

The point is, Ahab is the type of person that when his name is mentioned, I get despondent.  Personally I would prefer not to spend much time with him, reading about him or studying him.  My mood sinks when I hear his name.

But the real point is in the personal, day-to-day, interactive, application – As soon as a name is mentioned, we all have a personal reaction.  So what kind of person am I?  When the phone rings, and caller I.D. says, “Perry Hall,” what personal reactions do people have?  Come on, we all know we react to certain names, whether friends, politicians, celebrities, or whoever?  Do you react positively when the phone rings and it is a telemarketer?

The reaction is determined by what kind of person I am – and what kind of person you are.  If someone feels guilty, and I call, there is a negative response – whether they show it outwardly or not.  Their conscience bothers them…or else I just bother them.  If someone is annoying, and they call, there again is a personal reaction.  Maybe we just don’t want to hear again the same thing over and over and over and…..  There are people whose lives are filled with so much angst, that I dread hearing from them – more bad news, nothing but bad news.  Of course, there are positive reactions too.  Long lost friends call; calls bringing good news; the phone rings and I react with joy and excitement. 

So…when people think of our name, what is their reaction?  That tells us something about ourselves and them.

And no, don’t call or write me and ask what I think about you!  We both would dread that!

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