PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Kings 13 – That’s Not Fair

“That’s not fair”. It is hard to not feel that the punishment from God dealt to the young prophet was a raw deal (1 Kings 13).
1. God told the young prophet not to eat, so he didn’t.
2. The old prophet lied to the young prophet saying God told him he could eat.
3. The young prophet believed the old prophet and ate.
4. God condemned to death the young prophet.
As a child, the lesson taught and learned is still applicable today – Don’t trust anyone who says they speak for God. Go to God’s word for verification.
The young prophet could have easily inquired of God but didn’t. Is that because the old prophet tickled his ears? Are we wont to believe what we hear when we hear what we want to believe?
I don’t like this story, but I don’t think I can make the claim God was unfair. Sin brings death. What is “unfair” is when grace brings life to a sinner.
After getting reacquainted with this narrative, I thought of an angle that makes me see this event as “fair” in a greater sense.
Life is bigger than any individual. Individuals can even represent whole societies.
1. The old prophet represents Jeroboam who lied to Israel.
2. The young prophet represents Israel.
3. Israel could have chosen not to believe the lie.
4. In worshiping the Golden Calves, Israel believed a lie because they liked the convenience and opportunity to serve as priests previously denied by God.
The applications from both explanations are huge for us:
1. What are we believing because it is easier to believe?
2. What are we accepting as truth because it allows us to do what we want?
3. What are we representing to those around us? Truth? Or a lie?
What is not fair is, after receiving grace and truth, that we don’t accept the responsibility and privilege to believe and represent the truth so all. Can live.

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