PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Chronicles 7:24 – Wow! What A Woman!

When reading your Bible, do you ever raise your eyebrows, and think, “Hmmm, that’s unusual?”  Well, when reading genealogies and you come across a woman’s name – that is unusual.  Pay closer attention.  Something interesting just might happen.

In fact, after thinking, “Hmmm, that’s unusual?”  I literally said to myself, “Wow!”  Yep, the person I am about to introduce to you deserves for us to say, “Wow!  What A Woman!”  Read the Bible expecting to be WOWEDThat’s lesson #1

And yet, I doubt most of us have even heard of this remarkable woman.  However, her lack of fame does not diminish her accomplishments.  Hmmm, that makes me think that just because no one has ever heard of someone – including me – does not take away from our accomplishments either!  Fame is totally based upon what others think of us, not what we’ve actually done.  Sometimes it is deserved; often it is not.  That’s why Paris Hilton can be famous, but that single mother down the street raising her child to be a responsible adult goes unnoticed.  Fame is not always substantive.  That’s lesson #2.  

Who is this remarkable woman?  Her name is Sheerah.  Ever hear of her?  I didn’t think so.  Me neither until I did my Bible reading this morning.  What makes her a “Wow Woman?”  She built three cities (1 Chronicles 7:24).  If there is another woman mentioned in the Bible who built three cities, then “wow” to her too!  And here is lesson #3to do the remarkable is to do what others don’t expect of us.  Who would expect a woman in a patriarchal society to build three cities?  What people might not expect from us could be extradinary…or it might simply be mundane.  But even the mundane can be quite extraordinary – because the mundane can be quite difficult.

So…become a remarkable person.  Do the unexpected – even if it won’t bring you fame.  Wow someone!  Even if that someone is only you!

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