PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.


WARNING! I am about to make up a word! One reason I believe in inspiration – that the very words of the Bible are inspired – is because of “inspir-history”. Just as the words of the Bible are chosen by God, that same Bible shows God chosing to “inspire history” by breathing out His will into inspired, recorded events. Just as inspiration does not violate the personality of the inspired writers as they record God’s words; likewise without violating mankind’s free will, God shapes the lives of people and nations.
I see this in how the Holy Spirit keeps telling the same stories over and over, with different characters and in different places. Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel, lived his descendants lives long before their enslavement and freedom. Israel the man foreshadowed Israel the nation. In so doing we see God. Notice,
1. Both lived in the Promised Land. Jacob as a child was born in Canaan, and Jacob’s 12 sons who became the tribes of Israel lived in Canaan.
2. Both left the Promised Land. Jacob left after deceiving his father, and the “sons of Israel” left to go to Egypt during a famine.
3. Both went to a foreign country without being many. Jacob left alone for Mesopotamia, and then Jacob and his children and grandchildren came to Egypt numbering seventy.
4. Both became “slaves”. Jacob was an “indentured servant” for 14 years to earn Leah and Rachel; and the sons of Israel were slaves of Pharaoh.
5. Both became more numerous in their foreign homes. Jacob gained 2 wives, 2 concubines, and 11 sons. Israel became so numerous that Pharaoh became afraid of them.
6. Both left richer than when they arrived. Laban’s sons complained that Jacob had taken all that was Laban’s. Israel “plundered” the Egyptians.
7. Both were pursued when leaving. Laban chased Jacob, and Pharaoh’s army chased Israel.
8. Both returned to the Promised Land.
It is very fitting that “Israel” lived the life of Israel. It is also fitting that scripture shows God’s hand in writing the words, plus God’s hand in writing history. One reason I believe in inspiration is “inspir-history”.

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