PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 4-5 – A Great Society

A Great Society
This civilization was known for its architecture, musicians, and tool making. These are advancements still admired today. The imagination needed for such endeavors had to be high. Sounds like a great society.
Contrasted to this society is another where none of these accomplishments are mentioned. Were they absent, not emphasized, or just not recalled by the author? Considering these two groups are side by side in a history book, this a glaring contrast.
Which nation would you prefer living in? Which nation would you consider more advanced?
One of these communities was founded by a murderer. Later, a prominent citizen bragged about murdering a man who injured him, and a boy for hitting him. He also decided God’s paradigm for marriage was not for him. So he changed it.
The other society doesn’t have much said about its citizens other than some being spiritually focused. As for man-made accomplishments the information is lacking.
One of these civilizations is the lineage of Cain which contains much of what we would consider an integral part of modern civilization (Genesis 4).
The other society was more spiritual in its goals (Genesis 4,5); meaning it is contrary to much of modern society’s priorities.
The more advanced society in arts, architecture, and implements, was the one containing the violence and self-guidence.
A lesson learned within the literary contrast is, don’t prioritize personal achievements, sports, grades, societal goals over God. One civilization emphasized the self. The other was selfless.
Are you thinking, “But isn’t emphasizing the arts a cultural betterment of the self?” Study art history and you will discover that when God is given the glory, this changed the arts. Culture for the betterment of self is not the goal. Modern society has it backwards. It should not be that the arts better us; we better the arts. The latter comes from first walking with God. That better us.
As seen in Cain’s civilization, violence is a gross form of indulgence. Want less violence? Then want more worship. See you in church! That will make for a great civilization.

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