PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 37-50 – The Temptations of Dysfunctional Families #1

First, being sinned against requires being forgiving (Mt 6.14-15). If “to err is human, to forgive, divine” (Alexander Pope); then the temptation to not forgive is not divine but demonic. The temptation to hold on to hurt is the same as with most every sin and betrayal. Bitterness becomes a daily pill. Anguish is our friend. In the end we hurt ourselves by not healing. To forgive is to give a gift to ourselves, and to free the offenders from their guilt. But when we are hurting, the last thing we want to do is to be gracious and giving. And strangely, we don’t want to be free either. Feeling hurt empowers us with hate, with Satan’ anger. We convince ourselves that forgiveness is impossible thinking forgiveness means forgetting, misunderstanding Hebrews 10.17. Only the Perfect Forgiver can forgive perfectly. For us it is never instantaneous nor without effect, but it is always a process, a necessary process. Joseph could have sent his brothers away empty-handed, with no explanation. Instead, he tells them he trusts in God and gives them a chance (Gen 42.18-21).

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