PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 3:16-19 – Why These Specific Punishments?

Why These Specific Punishments?
Concerning the different “curses” on Adam and Eve, it’s been observed they had no apparent connection to their sin. Curiosity asks, why those curses?
Origin. Adam came from the ground, and the ground is cursed. Eve came from Adam’s body, and her body is cursed. Therefore, each curse involves their unique origins.
Why go to their origins? Again, I’ll admit speculation. The temptation of Eve in which she was deceived involved becoming like God (Genesis 3:5). Adam willingly participated. Both gained something godlike (3:22). Going back to their origins – and God has no origin – reminds them they are humans and not gods.
So did God use each unique origin in choosing their consequence to remind them (and us) of our created and lower than God identity? Let’s make this application: God doesn’t do anything without reason. That’s why hell is a punishment connected to our sins. We choose to separate from God, and hell is extending that choice.

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