PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis 2:18,20 – Eve as Helper (ezer neged)

God made Eve, “a helper corresponding to” (ezer neged) Adam. Both these words are controversial, but need not be.
“Helper” is used of God (Deuteronomy 33:26,29); and therefore is not akin to a plumber’s helper who is not qualified to be a plumber. There is no hint of inferiority.
“Corresponding to”, or “suitable” literally means, “opposite or against”. This does not mean God created Eve to be an antagonist to Adam. Instead, think of a mirror reflection – same but opposite.
There is a simple biblical illustration of how Eve (and women) are the helpers opposite of Adam (and men). This illustration is found in the Genesis 1 mandate given to both males and females. That mandate also shows why it was not good for man to be alone, because being alone made it impossible for him to obey this command. This situation also shows why the animals were not suitable. And finally, this co-work of Eve being a helper “corresponding to and the opposite of” Adam, demonstrates that she is not inferior: while simultaneously demanding that she definitely has a different role.
What is that specific mandate? To multiply and fill the earth! (1:28). Obeying that command was impossible without Eve being a helper.
Maybe this also helps explain Eve’s “curse” (Genesis 3:16). Why was she cursed with pain in childbirth? That was a specific role of hers in helping Adam, but instead she chose another role – to lead (Genesis 3:6,17). And in this way, Eve did become Adam’s antagonist to which Adam willingly submitted.

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