PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Exodus 18:13-26 – Praying through the Bible #33 – A Prayer that is Seeking Advice

Warning! Read Slowly – Praying to God is inquiring of God, and while we would never pray to a man to inquire of God, we could inquire of a man when we inquire of and pray to God. I had fun typing that!

Tiresomely, from morning to evening (18.13,14), Israelites would surround Moses “to inquire of God” (18.15). Right here we learn a great trait of a great advisor: Patience and willingness to be worn out for God and others (18.18). When the Israelites come to Moses, they are asking a man what God thinks, wants and demands. Moses would then make a decision by teaching them “God’s statues and laws” (18.16). Here is another good trait of a good advice giver: Good advice is God’s instruction.

Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro sees this and immediately concludes, “What you’re doing is not good” (18.17). Then Jethro gives advice (18.19) on how to give advice. More experts are needed. Moses listens (18.24) showing another great trait of good advice givers – they are willing to receive guidance, even when they haven’t asked. Helpers need help. The wisest are not all wise. So what system does Jethro suggest?

First, training: Moses will instruct about the statutes and laws, and how to live and what they must do (18.20). These judges are teachers, not just opinion givers. Second, qualifications:  Knowledge is not everything, character is essential. They are to be able men, God-fearing, trustworthy, and hating bribes (18.21). Third, organization: These new advice givers are set as officials of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens (18.25).

What must not be forgotten is that the ones needing advice are inquiring of God by asking others (18.15). Seeking advice is inquiring of God. Giving advice is speaking for God. When we pray for answers, the verbal answers often come from asking godly men and women for help. What a responsibility for those asked! Are we often asked?

Too often when asking for advice, people are asking for permission. They are not seeking wisdom, but seeking for an accomplice. Too often the right advice is hard; so people keep asking until they hear easy. In this context, instead of asking God people are telling God what’s right and wrong, rewriting His words to suit their tastes’. How conscious are we that when we seek help from others we are inquiring of God?

How do we know when the advice is good? When it’s based upon God’s laws and statutes (18.16,20). Asking for advice is asking “What does God think?” Giving advice is saying, “This is what God thinks.” So pray, study, and ask good and godly men and women. This is inquiring of God.

Prayer Challenge: Pray that we can become the type of person people seek out as they inquire of God. Pray that when we give advice it is as if God is speaking through us.

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