PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Deuteronomy 6:5 – A Deuteronomic Love – Love the Lord

Deuteronomy 6:5 HCSB – Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

As often is the case with English, “love” is too broad and unspecific at times. Therefore let’s look at love from a different perspective – Deuteronomy. Do a word search and you find that “love” is an oft occurring word in this “Second Law” book (5:10; 6:5; 7:9; 7:13; 10:12; 10:19; 11:1; 11:13; 11:22; 13:3; 30:6; 30:16; 30:20). Constantly the word love is connected to commands and obedience.

Do a historical study and we see the word used in quite unexpected sources and ways – vassal agreements.

  • Vassal Treaty of Esarhaddon – “You shall love Assurbanipal as yourselves” (How to Read the Bible, Kugel, p.353).
  • A Canaanite vassal of Pharaoh – “My lord, just as I love the king my lord, so [does] the king of Nuhasse [l;ove him, and] the king of Ni’i… – all these kings are servants of my lord.” (ibid., p.354 ).

While there is a similarity between Deuteronomy and these treaties, I doubt any of us would consider the word “love” to be an apt term for vassal to king. But that is the surprising term used. To love, therefore, is to show loyalty. Loyalty is shown through obedience.

However, obedience in Deuteronomy goes further than perfunctory duties. It is constantly associated with heart, soul, mind and strength. Jesus calls Deuteronomy 6.5 the greatest command. Studying Deuteronomy we learn some valuable lessons.

Love without obedience is not love. To claim love while not following the commands of our King is not love. To claim love by claiming that all that matters is attitude and spirit without the letter of the law is not love. Love is not doing what we feel is right, but doing what our God and King commands.

Love without giving of our self completely is not love. To claim love by simply obeying without mind, soul, heart and strength is not biblical love. To “simply” obey by following the letter of the law is not to truly obey nor is it love.

Therefore the wonder from the Word learned is that love is not an emotional attachment to God anymore than love is a sterile following of orders. It is more because it is each and both. It is obedience but with heart, soul, mind and strength.

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