PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Romans 8 – Why Are There Hurricanes?

Why are there hurricanes and other natural disasters? From a scientific point of view, you’ll have to ask someone else. From a spiritual perspective, the bible teaches we live in a cursed world (Gen.3; Rom.8). Mankind, both male and female, were given rule over the earth (Gen.1). Instead of taking care of the garden, they used the fruit of the earth to rebel against God. Because of the physical realm being cursed, women suffer pain while bringing life into the world; and life-giving food takes pain to grow. Hurricanes are a reminder of: 1) What happens when we neglect our God-given responsibilities, both physical and spiritual; 2) The physical realm is affected by the spiritual; 3) We live in a cursed world and need to look forward to a “new heavens and new earth” (2 Peter 3).

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