PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Romans 1:18; 2:5 – Ignoring Truth Inviting Wrath

Politely walk away when someone asks, “I really want to know your honest opinion.”  And if they ask you to be “brutally honest”…RUN!

The truth is that people already know the truth they just do not want to…”know” that the truth is actually true.  Confused?  That’s OK because the person asking for the truth actually just wants to be comfortably confused.

Truth can be ignored both from the inside and outside.  Romans 1:18 shows that truth can be ignored from the inwardly by “suppressing the truth.”  To “supress” means to “hold down.”  In Romans 2:5, the purposed ignorance comes from stubbornness which means “calloused.”  The effect is the same from different directions – not allowing the truth to surface from the inside, and not allowing the truth to penetrate from the outside.  Both old truth and new truth can be ignored.

People fail to repent because they refuse to believe God’s revelation from creation which He “made evident within them” (Romans 1:19).  People fail to repent because they refuse to allow the kindness, tolerance and patience of God to penetrate our calloused hearts.  The end is wrath (Romans 1:18; 2:5).  People fail to repent because they refuse to be brutally honest with themselves.  Let’s make sure “they” does not become “we.”

The good news is that truth comes from above, placed within, penetrating deeply to the depths of our awareness, to keep us from going down to hell, to take us up to heaven.  If we are honest.

Perry Hall

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