PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Romans 1:16 – I Am Not Ashamed of What?

Rom 1:16 – For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

This is not going where you think.  My entire life I have heard the application that as Paul was not ashamed, neither should we be, in claiming allegiance to Christ.  Well, can’t disagree with that; but that is not the point of Romans 1:16.  However, that is the point of 2 Timothy 1:8.   

Romans is not an apologetic contrasting Christians against the world.  It is not Paul’s personal confession of sanctifying Christ in his heart so that he is ready to give an answer to those who are slandering him (1 Peter 3:15).

Romans is an affirmation that Jews can be saved without the Law of Moses; that Gentiles can be saved without becoming Jews.  But that is easy for us, considering we are Gentiles.

Romans is unapologetic about God saving those who are not worth saving – sinners imperfectly obeying His laws  Yes they are saved by an obedience to the faith (1:5; 16:26), but not a perfecting of the law.  Their trust is in God not themselves.  Is that a little discomforting to us, that we can fellowship people who are not quite as perfect as we are?  Sarcasm intended!

Romans is a declaration that Paul is not ashamed of how God chose to save people – grace through faith.  God is willing to accept the unacceptable and the unaccepted.  God is willing to fellowship those whom His wrath is destined for…if they believe and obey.   Now wait a minute…do we want “those kinds of people” in our churches?  Sarcasm again inserted.

Paul was not ashamed, although according to regular religious thinking he should have been.  Am I?

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