PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Romans 1:1 – Doulos

Translating doulos as servant or bond-servant is not strong enough.  The Holman Christian Standand Bible is in the minority by translating it “slave” but that is the proper “heavy” translation.  The others are too polite.  Here is the definition – douleu (1398) – “to completely and absolutely assign all personal rights over to the authority and will of another person; to be in a ‘permanent relation of servitude to another, his (the slave’s will swallowed up in the will of another (Trench); the permanent surrender of personal rights in a attitude of total submission.” (The Discovery Bible, pp.542-543)

Doulos is a very common word in the both the New Testament and in Paul’s writings.  In fact it is easier to point out which books Paul did not use the word in than the books where he did – 1 and 2 Thessalonians.  Although Paul frequently used the word doulos, he only used it twice in the introduction – Romans and Philippians.  While I obviously do not know why, I do find it intriguing that the above definition (in the textual notes) fit quite perfectly in the discussion of Romans 6 and 7.

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